I am not one of those who have been ranting and raving about the golf world cup being hosted in Barbados.Not that i have anything about it being here it is just that I don't like golf.I don't like the look of golf...i don't like the clothes that golfers wear....I don't even know why they call it a sport. Those who play golf tell me you have to play it to understand the passion for a sport that is beyond comparison...truly that is what they say. I don't know if there is a difference between hitting golf balls and playing golf.What I know is that it seems to be a lazy persons sport.... It seems as much sport as taking a leisurely stroll on the beach. It doesn't seem physical...it doesn't seem mental......maybe one of these days I will understand. Now cricket world cup is a different kettle of fish.....lots of action...lots of involvement and we have a team with a chance to bring home some money. I can't say I am looking forward to the golf worl
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