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Showing posts from September, 2008

Barbados is truly a paradise

If you have been reading any of the Barbados blogs like Barbados Free Press or Barbados Underground you may be thinking that Barbados is a very corrupt island with politicians continually sucking the blood of the sufferers. However this may not necessarily be the only view. Overall I think the politicians have done Barbados pretty good of course you probably know that Errol Barrow is probably my favourite Barbados Politician. I like our health system...I like it that if my child suddenly had an asthma attack I could rush her to the QEH and get quick medical attention without health insurance....I like how Primary School Children are provided with school meals for $1.00 a week.....I like how you can attend top schools like Combermere or Ellerslie free of charge....I like that if you are running for Prime Minister it doesn't matter if your father was Black and your mother white....(David Thompson,Tom Adams)...they are a lot of things I like about Barbados and even though it may be tr...