Sunday Jan 21 will be the birthday of one of our national heroes,Errol Barrow.Whenever that day comes I always remember my father who simply adored Errol Barrow.Having grown up in a society and a world which ignorantly and stupidly believed that one human being was superior because of the colour of their skins or maybe the shape of a noise,or even the presence or absence of lips;He reasoned and rightly so that Errol Barrow was ahead of the times due to the way in which he engineered the social revolution in Barbados. However that is beside the point.The reason that I would remember my father so much and have a hearty laugh at this time is because of a little experiment I would carry out. My mother is the first person who observed this strange phenomenon. She told me to start any discussion on any topic with my father and before the end of the discussion the topic would have subtly changed to Errol Barrow or just "Barrow" as he would call him. Sure enough I would start a
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