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Showing posts from January, 2007
Sunday Jan 21 will be the birthday of one of our national heroes,Errol Barrow.Whenever that day comes I always remember my father who simply adored Errol Barrow.Having grown up in a society and a world which ignorantly and stupidly believed that one human being was superior because of the colour of their skins or maybe the shape of a noise,or even the presence or absence of lips;He reasoned and rightly so that Errol Barrow was ahead of the times due to the way in which he engineered the social revolution in Barbados. However that is beside the point.The reason that I would remember my father so much and have a hearty laugh at this time is because of a little experiment I would carry out. My mother is the first person who observed this strange phenomenon. She told me to start any discussion on any topic with my father and before the end of the discussion the topic would have subtly changed to Errol Barrow or just "Barrow" as he would call him. Sure enough I would start a
Another beautiful day.A beautiful wet rainy day in Barbados.As I said before I am one of those fellows who loves rainy days.This morning me and my daughter had a long lovely walk in the rain.It seemed as if we were the only two people in Barbados on this day.People disappear in Barbados when the rain is falling,people don't go to work,school children stay at home.Bajans have this thing about the rain.I can never figure it out. Along the way I passed a garbage truck,you know the trucks that are used for collecting refuse;anyway it was parked at the side of the road while the workers sheltered from the rain.I passed an army of school children sheltering from the rain .......... In Barbados the worst thing that can happen to you is to get wet by the will give you bronchitis,pneumonia you name it......unless you are like me.

A beautiful day in Barbados

Today is a beautiful day in Barbados,and we do have many beautiful days.For me there is something magical about the first day that the schools 'open back'.It is not that my daughter is not going to be here with her perpetual(or is it incessant) questions that I can't answer.Actually she is still here.She is not going to school today probably because of me and the inordinate amount of time I spend on the computer. The first day back to school after the Christmas holidays you see all the happy faces,the many school uniforms,the hustle of the ZR's and the whole interaction of people early in the morning. There was a time that I would have used the term hustle and bustle but after spending some time in bigger countries I have realized that it only looks like hustling and bustling to us. Today is a beautiful day in Barbados,the greens look greener,the sky looks bluer and the air feels fresher.You can still hear the chirping of the blackbirds the cooing of the doves and
One of the things you now notice all over the web are the infinite number of Barbados websites available on the net.When I first started in 1996 there were just a few. I could remember some of the earlier ones and some have been around for quite a while. There still are not too many Barbados e-commerce sites,I mean sites that customers can actually enter their credit card and order items. The Barbados Search located at has the most comprehensive listing of Barbados sites available,using the power,flexibility and simplicity of the most popular search technology currently,try it.