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Showing posts from August, 2007

Thinking of flying to Barbados?

If you are thinking of flying to the Caribbean then just maybe you should check this out and just fly to Barbados Barbados :: Barbados Adds on Extra Savings with The Best of Barbados September Special : "BRIDGETOWN, Barbados, Aug. 20 /PRNewswire/ -- Barbados has introduced a September Special package for the entire month of September providing travelers with an air credit of $300 dollars per person. The Best of Barbados September Special, which is currently one of the most compelling offers to the Caribbean, can be booked up until September 10. It provides an excellent opportunity for travelers who are seeking excellent value for their money. Best of Barbados September Special includes: -- $300 Per Person Air Credit -- First night FREE at participating hotels - Minimum value of $80 per couple -- FREE full breakfast daily - Value of $280 per couple -- Minimum seven night stay requirement -- 25% discounts on participating ground activities -- Combine the Best of Barbados with season...
I like St.Andrew.I can even say that it is probably my favourite parish in Barbados.The only reason that I am not on the East Coast now is because I don't have a car but soon I will be there everyday once again.I like the natural beauty off the East Coast.I liked it from as long as I can remember being aware of myself and that goes way back to the sixties when Barbados was a little different.I think the only problem with St.Andrew is that certain areas are prone to land slippages. Actually there used to be a time when the west coast was as visible,I think.I can't seem to remember when but It would have obviously been before all the hotels and beach houses went up . Everyone seems to want everything on the beach.I just have a feeling that this beach front property is overvalued really.We were just scampering and quaking in our boots because of hurricane dean.Have you ever seen the coast when there is even the semblance of bad weather?
Barbadians don't like to speak their minds.Bajans are generally a very timid people.Oftentimes they tend to hide and say things because of the fear of victimization.Recently and I suspect for political reasons they have been an upsurge in weblogs,which although in existence for many years have proved an outlet in recent times for people who want to get their opinions across. I too have been tending to use weblogs a lot more frequently now. In the early days I did host my own weblog using a software program called geeklog but now I much prefer to have it hosted by Google.With their frequent updates and improvements they are the obvious choice,not mentioning the price of course. Which brings me to my point which is not a political point but just an observation and maybe just and opinion.I have not been happy with how the rescue operation in Brittons Hill has been done.Barbados as we are aware is a small country with not a lot of resources and certainly not a lot of experience in many...
We have been getting some really good feedback from those using the Barbados search engine.Apart from searching the normal tourists sites it provides results for locals too and is especially good for returning results from government sites.When I am looking for Barbados information I now use the Barbados search engine by default where previously I use to use Google.Of course it utilizes the technology from Google but it provides more specific results.Try it if you are looking for Barbados information whatsoever.

Rescuers get moving at 10:30 a.m.

Advocate : "THE first visible attempt to rescue a trapped family of five was at 10:30 a.m. yesterday morning. After officials assessed the safety surrounding the collapsed apartment building at Arch Cot, Brittons Cross Road, St. Michael, it was five hours later that onlookers in the area exclaimed their delight that something from what they could see was finally happening."
During the height of the cricket world cup frenzy we were constantly bombarded with talk of how prepared we,as a country would be for any mass casualty situation.We also heard talk of the legacy that such a program would bring with our significantly improved strategies and structures.That is why it is so sad to see how we are bungling a situation where a family is trapped in an apartment building.I understand that the incident occurred sometime around five o'clock this morning and now at 1:54pm nothing of any significance has been achieved.We have really got to do better than this.

Questions on Barbados

Sometimes when people ask what I like about Barbados I really can't answer.Many times people will ask you what is the best restaurant or where is a good night spot and it goes on and on. Then they will ask you how is it possible to live on island as expensive as this.How do you survive? Do you survive? I have put all the questions together and I will answer each and everyone of them.I just don't know when but if you have more questions certainly don't hesitate to ask me.
Problem solved.I went to Bridgetown today and headed for the bmobile store at Cave Shepherd. Oops it is not there anymore.I Didn't realise that they had relocated. The bottom line is that after a long conversation with the reps I manage to convince them to give me the settings so that I could manually configure the phone myself to prevent me from continually pestering them.This they did and finally the problem has been solved.....will there be another time?
I am trying again.I am trying to get an Internet connection for my mobile phone through Cable and Wireless and it is proving to be a very difficult undertaking.As I said in a previous post they are sending me in circles and I am kind of enjoying it now.I just want to see how long it will take me and the excuses they are giving me.I called the Cable and Wireless customer care number yesterday and the rep told me to go back to the outlet again and tell the attendant to manually configure the phone since it cannot be configured automatically.If this doesn't work she said to ask for a senior person and tell them and it shouldn't be a problem.So I will be going to the Cable and Wireless outlet in Cave shepherd again today to see what happens. Now I explained to the customer care rep on the phone that I did all of this already(except asking for the senior person) and it didn't work.I queried as to if it would be possible for she to give me the information so that I can configure ...

Spared Again!

Once again Barbados has been spared not only from a direct hurricane hit but from any major damage from the peripheral weather.We must be very thankful for that.Sure we did get some gusty winds and some rain but nothing to complain about.I think right now Dominica and St.Lucia are faring much worst that we did.Luckily dean is a fast moving system so it shouldn't be around for too long.
From all indications it seems as though we should be feeling the effects of Dean sometime after 12.00 tonight. If the weather reports are correct then we will be getting storm force winds and not the full hurricane force.That means winds of about 40 to 50 miles per hour.
Will we be spared again? That seems to be the question everyone is asking with the apparent imminent approach of soon to be hurricane Dean.It seems like we in Barbados are always lucky,at least in recent times,with these weather systems.I certainly hope that this is the case once again. The Hurricane season has started with a bang and it seems as though it will definitely be a really active season.Let us keep our fingers crossed.

Why Barbadians might fear growing number of Guyanese

The Nation Newspaper Why Barbadians might fear growing number of Guyanese : "HUBERT WILLIAMS has written an interesting article in the August 5 SUNDAY SUN about the historical connection between Barbados and Guyana. His article seems mainly intended to allay fears of an influx of Guyanese into Barbados, especially when complete freedom of movement is implemented. The implementation would be part of the development of the proposed Single Market and Economy (CSME). "
Today is Kadooment Day in Barbados,the culmination of all the Crop Over activities.I have been mindfully watching everyone slowly working themselves into a frenzy and trying to figure out what it is all about. Okay today we are going to be having the cultural exhibition of the Bands as they march past the judges at the National Stadium straight to the Spring garden Highway.The costumes will be depicting certain themes of relevance to our Caribbean society.Calypso music will be blaring or blasting the more popular songs of the season.Pomp and pageantry,colour and festivities,history and culture. Almost everyone will be in some kind of frenzy today.Condom sales tend to skyrocket at this time as well as alcoholic drink.Skimpy wear is the order of day.They will be jutting and rutting and jucking today and not necessarily in that order. I am thinking to myself this could be heaven or this could be hell.
There are certain things that are sweet about Barbados.Dealing with Cable and Wireless is not one of them.Like those who had purchased the sweet deal for high speed Internet only to realize afterwards that they couldn't even watch videos on Youtube.Cable and Wireless subsequently sweetened the deal by giving 'FREE' band-with,double the amount that you had initially purchased. Now you can watch those videos.....just barely... This is what happened to me throughout the process of getting Internet access for my mobile phone.I tried the automatic configuration and it didn't work so I then called their customer support number.The first tech didn't know what I was talking about so I said OK and called again.This time I got a different person who told me that should be no problem just visit a bmobile store and have them manually configure it. Yesterday I went to the bmobile store at Cave Shepherd in the city to get my phone manually configured.The first lady told me quite ...