Oh, so now I am living in a tropical country. Well we all know of these tropical countries with exotic and dangerous wildlife. I have always heard that Barbados is a tropical island some would go as far as to say a tropical paradise although it took me a long time to contemplate that thoughts like that could even be true.
We don’t have that exotic flora and fauna and culturally I don’t even know where we fit as a nation. A nation with ninety to ninety five percent of African origin who don’t even know where Africa is on the map or for that matter don’t like to hear the word.
Mongooses were brought to Barbados in the early days to kill out the snake population .Now we just have a small species of grass snake that make the island its home along with the mongooses of course.
The mongoose have reached high and higher heights from the days of sly mongoose to the soon to be infamous Mello,who is the mascot for the cricket world cup that is to be hosted in the Caribbean.
We are getting the big final right here in Barbados, playing at the new and soon to be improved Kensington Oval.
As I was saying …….we have one species of indigenous snake in Barbados and that is a small grass snake. I only ever saw one and that might have been in the late sixties or early seventies.
Nowadays someone or some ones have taken onto themselves to attempt to repopulate our little island with nothing else but pythons or constrictors. Sure there have only been about four or six that have been released into the ‘wild’ but who knows. We may get to be that tropical island with the exotic fauna and flora after all.
We don’t have that exotic flora and fauna and culturally I don’t even know where we fit as a nation. A nation with ninety to ninety five percent of African origin who don’t even know where Africa is on the map or for that matter don’t like to hear the word.
Mongooses were brought to Barbados in the early days to kill out the snake population .Now we just have a small species of grass snake that make the island its home along with the mongooses of course.
The mongoose have reached high and higher heights from the days of sly mongoose to the soon to be infamous Mello,who is the mascot for the cricket world cup that is to be hosted in the Caribbean.
We are getting the big final right here in Barbados, playing at the new and soon to be improved Kensington Oval.
As I was saying …….we have one species of indigenous snake in Barbados and that is a small grass snake. I only ever saw one and that might have been in the late sixties or early seventies.
Nowadays someone or some ones have taken onto themselves to attempt to repopulate our little island with nothing else but pythons or constrictors. Sure there have only been about four or six that have been released into the ‘wild’ but who knows. We may get to be that tropical island with the exotic fauna and flora after all.