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Save the pigs!

A while back when Rastafari was really popular in Barbados pigs were having a happy time.There was limited sale of pig products,it was cool for youngsters to say 'I don't eat pork'.All that has changed since the launch of the proper pork campaign by Carlton Supermarket.Or maybe it is that Rastafari as a religion is not that popular anymore.

It got so bad or good depending on who you asked that everywhere you went there was someone selling barbecued pig tails and believe me there would be lines of people waiting to sample the latest frenzy.

Children usually start out with a love of animals and I am certain that usually most children may have had a pet dog or cat at sometime and would hardly have entertained a thought of their pet Pomeranian or Poodle on someones dinner table. The theme of many children's stories have always been save the animals.

Sometime ago I watched a DVD by the name of Charlotte's Web.It was about this pig Wilbur who was scared of ending up on someones dinner table.Which reminds me that it was not too long ago that certain humans were treated worst than animals for they tended to end up at the slaughter table only not to be eaten but that is another story told to me by my African ancestors.

So we all believe that in order to survive and to be healthy we have to eat other animals.Where on earth did we get that idea?I can understand an animal of limited intellect thinking that but not we the higher species. Maybe we can take a leaf out of the book of Bruce the vegetarian shark on Finding Nemo who quite aptly stated 'Fish are friends not food.Now that is what I call thinking out of the box.

Seeing the intelligence of pigs and what they have done for us and the lives that they have saved I am inclined to say to all my Bajan lovers of pork. Pigs are friends not food!


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