I may not be the typical Bajan as I keep saying.Why? It seems to me that Bajans are becoming more and more obsessed about food.Everywhere you turn there seems to be some new food outlet springing up.It is just not that,it seems to me that many times the conversation is about food.
Once upon a time pudding and souse used to be served mainly on Saturdays but now it is on the menu everyday,not for me though.I can eat the Black Pudding but eating animals is a no-no.You may or may not be aware that souse is a specially prepared pickled pig devoured by most Bajans.
I think one of the more interesting snacks is fish cakes.I think it is prepared a little different now than in days of old but is definitely popular and could be healthy.
Obesity is now a major problem in Barbados and without a doubt overeating and the consumption of animals is a major contributing factor with Barbados rated somewhere at number 12 in the world.This means we have a world ranking.
If you love food,obsess about food and live to eat then it doesn't matter if you are from Barbados or Mali,we all know what the end result will be.