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The news that St. Lucia had experienced tremors today seems to have sent some Barbadians into a state of panic once again less than a week after the November 29th quake.It even reached the stage where parents turned up at schools to get their children.

Maybe this is what prompted The Seismic Research Unit of the University of the West Indies to issue a statement concerning what they called an 'earthquake prediction rumour'.

It is certainly true that if St.Lucia experienced aftershocks there is a possibility that we would too.The statement from the Seismic Research unit is that

On Wednesday 5th December at 8:11am local time, an aftershock following the 29/11/07 earthquake which occurred north of Martinique was felt in Saint Lucia, Dominica and St. Vincent. The preliminary location of the event is 15.11°N 61.05°W with a depth of 128km and magnitude of 5.3.

It seems to me that Barbados has had a wake up call.I guess no more will we be saying 'It can't happen here'.


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