Boston Herald I’ve been obsessed with Barbados since I was a kid, when I read the Newbery Medal-winning book “The Witch of Blackbird Pond” by Elizabeth George Speare. For anyone who somehow managed to escape their summer reading, the book is about a fictional 17th century young woman who, orphaned, must leave her home in Barbados and travel to New England. Now in Puritan Connecticut, she often reminisces about her home and her childhood growing up in beautiful Barbados.
Global Holidays : "Once the home of huge colonial plantations, Barbados is now a destination for many sun hungry Brits wanting to get away from it all during the colder months. Far from abandoning its British-influenced past, the island state's 270,000 or so inhabitants have adopted elements of British culture into the West Indian way of life. Its national sport is cricket, while the island is still predominantly Protestant."